Have you ever noticed the signs that the happy homeless of NYC hold all look like they have been written by the same person? They seem to have the same Aral font and caricatures size. Makes me get to wondering, maybe there is quite a lucrative business to be had selling signs to beggars. You can personalize them; have them written in different tones desperate, funny, the traditional trying to get somewhere, and the old family favorite "I'm a drunk". The cost of raw materials would be relatively low, just need a Sharpy and boxes. Generating revenue: Ignoring the fact that the cost of designing a sign to a beggar is almost nothing, I still want to explore the possibility of soup kitchens providing signs. What would be the best way to charge, I would suspect an upfront fee would be the optimal way, but there also could be some benefit derived by looking into not charging a lump sum at the front end but taking a percentage of the daily take. However, off the top of my head I can't think of an efficient way to collect on those takings at the end of each day, maybe you could attaché an RFID tags to the individual so as they can be tracked, but then there would be the problem of disincentives occurring for them to fully disclose the daily take. Maybe there could be an add function to the RFID tags where there is the ability to electrocute the individual if it is felt that they are lying about the day’s revenue generation.
PS: Nothing I have said here is a good idea! Please do not be a dick and take this post seriously and act on the suggestions, or show your token offensiveness and get upset with its content because you feel you have the obligation to fight against something that is obviously written for entrainment and a joke. .
Thats so wrong lol
YES IT IS! but funny
The homeless are real people with feelings, not just objects to be made fun of. While you live in comfit amidst your consumer driven life, people are dieing! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY TO THAT?!?
First Anonymous, let me thank you for reading the blog and taking the time to comment. Lest me offer this as food for thought if there was a business like i suggested in place then maybe it would be a step forward in make sure that every homeless person pounding the pavement would have a sign of their own. Therefore, a good base on which to generate income. sadly people die in the end that's just a way of life, I can only hope that there isn't a correlation between death and my blog posts for that would sourly be most disappointing to me. All i wish to do is nurture smiles and hugs.
that shit is fucked up lol
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